
Cyclesmart is me, because I like to ride my Bike Friday and drive my smart 4two diesel car.

Smart describes both my bicycle and my car.

A Friday is a bike that folds and easily comes apart for packing in a suitcase. Thus I can travel with it and have transportation at my destination!

The smart 4two diesel gets 60 to 70 mpg and is very environmentally friendly.

So, I like to think that I’m a cycle person, and a conscientious driver, thus I’m “Cyclesmart”.

Cycling is something I’ve always done, but not passionately. Too many other influences got in the way and required lots of pursuit. I curled a lot in my early years, the kind where you slide 44 lb. rocks down the ice. Golfed a lot too. Played fastball. Got into hiking and backpacking, rock climbing, skiing downhill and cross-country, running. Marriage, family and a teaching career took up a lot of time.

And then I couldn’t run any more. My knees hurt, and that was it. Rolled my old bike out and gave it a go. Whoopee! I could pedal without pain, and a new passion began.